14 Feburine 2018 : Plate

14 Feburine 2018 :

Pan fried sausages with Hollandaise flavoured finishing sauce, potato oven fries, steamed carrots, pumpkin and peas.

Pancake with fresh nectarines and chocolate ice cream.

Fresh grapes and red plums.

Some chocolates!

14 Feburine 2018 : Blog

Surely you can not be considering to not eat chocolates on St Valentines Day?

That is a double negative. Let’s try that again.

Eat as many chocolates as you like on St Valentines day!

I think I am going to like to eat less of them today than I did the year before.

13 Feburine 2018 : Plate

13 Feburine 2018 :

Pan fried sausages with Hollandaise flavoured finishing sauce, boiled potatoes, steamed carrots, beans and peas.

Pancake with fresh nectarines and chocolate ice cream.

Fresh grapes and red plums.

13 Feburine 2018 : Blog

Some call today “Shrove Tuesday”, others call it “Pancake day”, still others Tuesday.

It is the day before the start of Lent, that period of time when dietary restrictions apply for some readers until Easter.

As Waratah says, “It’s basically eating up stuff before you’re not allowed to, the last day before fasting.”

We have no idea, and some might think thankfully, what the contents of mystery bags are. To be safe, substituting fish instead of sausages is fine for the Feburine eating theme. Remember to sometimes have pre-prepared crumbed fish instead of the lean filets because the goal is to maintain the new weight without having a downwards spiral.

If the time of Lent precludes eggs it is quite possible to make a pancake without them.

At our place every day is a pancake day!

12 Feburine 2018 : Plate

12 Feburine 2018 :

Pan fried sausages with Hollandaise flavoured finishing sauce, boiled potatoes, steamed carrots, beans and corn on the cob.

Pancake with fresh nectarines and chocolate ice cream.

Fresh oranges and red plums.

12 Feburine 2018 : Blog

Today was special. A project I have been working on for ages was completed and it felt really good. Quite a few people helped me to achieve my goal and that made me feel special too.

I want to be somebody who makes a contribution to the world we live in. Do you believe in merry go rounds and swings? I do. Perhaps I will not help the specific individuals who helped me, but I do hope I help some one.

Today I walked, half asleep, but with confidence!

11 Feburine 2018 : Plate

11 Feburine 2018 :

Pan fried sausages with Hollandaise flavoured finishing sauce, boiled potatoes, steamed carrots, beans and broccoli.

Pancake with fresh nectarines and chocolate ice cream.

Fresh grapes and red plums.

11 Feburine 2018 : Blog

Have you ever considered how many types of sneaky exercise exist? There must be hundreds of them. One that comes readily to mind is “Sneaky Squats”.

We keep our skillet and mixing bowl on the bottom shelf on purpose. It guarantees the performance of some Sneaky Squats exercises almost every day. I know that it’s possible to get them both out at the same time, and then later put them both back at the same time, but I prefer to get each in and out of the cupboard separately. Why would I want to deprive myself of two Sneaky Squats each day? Over time they all contribute to a slightly more slender me.

10 Feburine 2018 : Plate

10 Feburine 2018 :

Home cooked pizza with cheese, hot salami, capsicums and champignons.

Pancake with fresh nectarines and chocolate ice cream.

Fresh grapes and oranges.