10 Feburine 2018 : Blog

I did not notice that the pizza had less cheese and hot salami. Well, alright, I did notice it a bit, but that did not change the enjoyment of the taste of them.

I could not help but notice that the pizza had a lot more chopped capsicum and champignons. That did not change the enjoyment of them, either.

All in all these modifications are a small price to pay for the Feburine eating theme which (usually!) results in more effective weight management.

This is when the “Back to…” philosophy becomes very important. Tomorrow we go back to pan fried sausages with steamed vegetables.

9 Feburine 2018 : Plate

9 Feburine 2018 :

Quiche Lorraine served with oven potato fries, lettuce and tomatoes.

Pancake with fresh nectarines and chocolate ice cream.

Fresh grapes and oranges.

9 Feburine 2018 : Blog

When losing, or maintaining weight the one thing which everyone seems to agree upon is the notion of slowing down the pace of eating. I suspect that the success of the glass of water with the evening meal is due to two reasons.

Naturally we need to satisfy our thirst all the time, but this particular glass of water has little, or nothing to do with satisfying thirst.

The water takes up some space in the stomach, so as a consequence less food is needed to feel full than would otherwise be. That really matters when the meal is lacking in high caloric yumminesses. At the very least I want to leave the table thinking I did have my evening meal and that my hunger has been satisfied.

The other consequence of the glass of water with the evening meal is a bit more subtle. Have you ever timed yourself swapping the knife for the glass, taking some sips (or gulps) of water, placing the glass back down on the table (preferably in the upright position) and picking up the knife again?

I bet that you have not timed all this. Certainly I haven’t either. It can not be minutes can it? Nanoseconds, seconds? Regardless of how ever long the process takes, it does slow down eating!

8 Feburine 2018 : Plate

8 Feburine 2018 :

Pan fried sausages served with Hollandaise flavoured finishing sauce, boiled potatoes, steamed carrots, peas and beans.

Pancake with fresh nectarines and chocolate ice cream.

Fresh grapes and bananas.

8 Feburine 2018 : Blog

When I was at my heaviest weight I bought a pair of comfortably fitting short trousers and a long length loose top to go walking in. Now I am less weight I think there is a better use for them than to gleefully throw them away.

I might need them again? Well I hope not, but that is not the reason I was thinking of.

My sewing skill is sufficient to painstakingly thread the needle with cotton and point it in and out of the holes of an additional button, attaching it next door to, and about an inch away from the original button.

The top is quite lengthy enough to hide this unusual arrangement to fasten the shorts. That is right, I gleefully wear them.

I might throw them out at some stage, but not this Feburine.

7 Feburine 2018 : Plate

7 Feburine 2018 :

Pan fried sausages served with Hollandaise flavoured finishing sauce, boiled potatoes, steamed carrots, peas and broccoli.

Pancake with fresh nectarines and chocolate ice cream.

Fresh oranges and red grapes.

7 Feburine 2018 : Blog

The seemingly purposeless walking, day after endless day for some nebulous health benefit, some reward that is so infinitesimal, so gradual, that they it can barely be perceived on any given day would be so easy to give up. So easy. If I hear myself saying, “I am too busy today, I’ll go tomorrow,” my antennae will go up, high up. Up sufficiently high enough to greet a Martian.

I know I say it frequently. I said it yesterday. I think it is so important I am going to say it again today…

I need to do my walking.

6 Feburine 2018 : Plate

6 Feburine 2018 :

Quiche Lorraine with potato oven fries, lettuce and tomatoes.

Pancake with fresh nectarines and chocolate ice cream.

Fresh oranges and red grapes.

6 Feburine 2018: Blog

Sometimes I have to remind myself that no matter what projects I am working on, no matter how important they might seem to me, no matter how busy I get…

I need to do my walking.

Thankfully, taking photos of flowers gives a purpose to the walk that is quite capable of motivating me in its own right. I learn a bit more about the functioning of the camera all the time. Hopefully it will lead to the quality of the photos improving.

5 Feburine 2018 : Plate

5 Feburine 2018 :

Pan fried sausages with Hollandaise flavoured finishing sauce, oven potato fries, steamed carrots, broccoli and corn on the cob.

Pancake with fresh nectarines and chocolate ice cream.

Fresh oranges.