5 Feburine 2018 : Blog
The weather has been perfect here today. It was mostly sunshine with fluffy white, intermittent clouds giving some shade. A light breeze, almost indetectable, gently caressed. I found myself smiling and cheerful, looking around. I thoroughly enjoyed the walk.
Isn’t it amazing how our mood can effect eating.
I had no thoughts what so ever today about chocolate ripes or barbeque crisps!
4 Feburine 2018 : Collendar
4 Feburine 2018 : Plate
4 Feburine 2018 :
Pan fried sausages with Hollandaise flavoured finishing sauce, boiled potatoes, steamed carrots, beans and cabbage.
Pancake with fresh nectarines and chocolate ice cream.
Fresh grapes and oranges.
4 Feburine 2018 : Walk
4 Feburine 2018 : Blog
The task I have set for Feburine to throw out some little (or big) thing out is proving harder than I thought it would be. The difficulty to make decisions about an item’s potential future usefulness defies belief. My crystal ball predicts an outing to the rubbish disposal site this month, so I must press on. We need to take something to dispose!
At least some repacking, redistributing and dusting around items is making us tidier.
I am so glad there are only 28 days in Feburine!
3 Feburine 2018 : Plate (Pizza)
3 Feburine 2018 :
Four generous sized slices of home cooked pizza with tomato paste, crushed garlic, onions, green capsicums, champignons, hot salami and cheese.
Pancake with fresh nectarines and chocolate ice cream (Have at least one hour later, if desired).
Fresh grapes and oranges.
Pear Tree
3 Feburine 2018 : Collendar
3 Feburine 2018 : Plate
3 Feburine 2018 :
Four generous sized slices of home cooked pizza with tomato paste, crushed garlic, onions, green capsicums, champignons, hot salami and cheese.
Pancake with fresh nectarines and chocolate ice cream (Have at least one hour later, if desired).
Fresh grapes and oranges.
3 Feburine 2018 : Walk
3 Feburine 2018 : Blog
Feburine is all about the idea of combining small amounts of dangerous, non-filling deliciousnesses with larger amounts of not at all dangerous, quite filling deliciousnesses.
For example consider snap, crackle, sugar-coated, chocolate flavoured rice cereal. About one cup of this dangerous, non-filling deliciousness will be great for some of the Feburine breakfasts. Combined with whole milk, it will be just like having a chocolate milk shake, only crunchy! My generous addition of raw, or thawed nectarines will be a perfect match, giving the breakfasts some much needed substance.
However, the highest accolade of all must go to the Pizza.
Home cooked pizza perfectly incorporates controlled amounts of two dangerous, non-filling deliciousnesses, namely cheese and salami, into the meal.
We buy fresh pre-prepared pizza bases from the supermarket. The first step is getting the temperature of the oven to very hot, I mean really hot, the top of the dial, so it is important to have that happening while getting all the pizza toppings ready.
Now I would classify onions, green capsicums and tinned champignons as, “Not at all dangerous, quite filling deliciousnesses”. One could eat truck loads of them. The trouble is why would one want to eat truck loads of them? The answer to that is so obvious, right?
When they are added as toppings on a pizza, combined with 50 grams (5 thin slices) of commercial brand cheese, 50 grams of sliced hot salami, tomato paste and crushed garlic. When all the ingredients are cooked together for about ten minutes, I become more convinced about the deliciousnesses part of the classification. Onions, green capsicums and tinned champignons become elevated, closer to heaven.
I know that our recipe for home cooked pizza will not win any cooking competition, Pete and Mannu would find the proportions quite unusual, but it does win my “Wattle Weight Warrior” five star value recipe award.
2 Feburine 2018 : Collendar
2 Feburine 2018 : Plate
2 Feburine 2018 :
Pan fried sausages served with Hollandaise flavoured finishing sauce, boiled potatoes, steamed carrots, beans and cabbage.
Pancake with fresh nectarines and chocolate ice cream.
Fresh grapes and oranges.
2 Feburine 2018 : Walk
2 Feburine 2018 : Blog
I do so enjoy the Feburine menu. I need to get it into my mind that I will not need as many sausage rolls for breakfast as I did this time last year. I will try two of them this time around. It will be a good idea to have some oranges first so as to not be starving hungry and eat too many…
Delicious sausage rolls for breakfast, yum yum.
1 Feburine 2018 : Collendar
1 Feburine 2018 : Plate
1 Feburine 2018 :
Pan fried sausages served with Hollandaise flavoured finishing sauce, potato oven fries, steamed carrots, pumpkin and peas.
Pancake with fresh nectarines and chocolate ice cream.
Fresh peaches and grapes.