20 Feburine 2018 : Blog

We get the Culinary BFF (Best Friend Forever) out almost every day now. We bring the water to the boil while we are peeling the potatoes and preparing the other vegetables. Perhaps it takes seven minutes? Certainly it doesn’t seem to take very long. We steam the vegetables for about the same amount of time that the meat takes in the skillet frying pan, twenty five minutes maximum. The finishing sauce heats in the microwave oven while we are plating the food. The whole procedure is easy and takes about thirty minutes.

Would obtaining a “Fast Food” meal be faster? Yes it seems likely. Drive a few minutes to an outlet, wait five minutes for the order to be made up and then drive a few minutes home again to eat it. The hardest part would be deciding what have. Hamburger, picking off the gherkin, and fries? Fried chicken, mainly skin and bones, but with a hundred secret herbs and spices, served with gravy and fries?

I know which meal I would prefer to eat. How about you?