Some months I like to pick some additional task that I believe I am able to do. The amount of effort needs to be about right so that I do continue to do the task willingly, in the designated month.
A really good example is the task set in “Parch”. Soon after giving up cigarettes I set the goal to be “Each day I drink a glass of soda water”.
The amount of effort to do this is trivial, you would think, right? Wrong!
Any task needs to have a meaningful aspect to it, and so for a person who thrived on cigarettes and black coffees, the meaning starts to become a lot more apparent. Non-trivially, soda water is being substituted for some of the smokeless, black coffees. Not only that, a walk was struggled through each day, at the height of the weight gain, to go and purchase the bottles of soda water.
I would say that the amount of effort was about right and I did continue to do the task all through the month. In fact it was such a success I have kept this task set and actively look forward to it now.
Unlike some other months, no thought is required to allocate Januberry’s task. It picks itself. Watering the garden with a hand held hose, delivering a survival ration to the plants is a must do task in our scorching hot, almost rainless summers.
It is not so bad. I contemplate things, all sorts of things…