13 Feburine 2018 : Blog

Some call today “Shrove Tuesday”, others call it “Pancake day”, still others Tuesday.

It is the day before the start of Lent, that period of time when dietary restrictions apply for some readers until Easter.

As Waratah says, “It’s basically eating up stuff before you’re not allowed to, the last day before fasting.”

We have no idea, and some might think thankfully, what the contents of mystery bags are. To be safe, substituting fish instead of sausages is fine for the Feburine eating theme. Remember to sometimes have pre-prepared crumbed fish instead of the lean filets because the goal is to maintain the new weight without having a downwards spiral.

If the time of Lent precludes eggs it is quite possible to make a pancake without them.

At our place every day is a pancake day!