17 Feburine 2018 : Blog

The eating theme of Feburine is all about learning how to eat some indulgent foods in a controlled manner, whilst continuing to eat mostly basic, healthy foods.

On a long term basis it isn’t very practical to remove all the indulgent foods from the house. After years of the enjoyment of cheese-heavy pizzas, and eating them despite knowing they are contributing to my extra weight, I need to find a different solution.

Each Saturday night this month we are home-cooking our pizzas, with my own special, “Use less cheese and hot salami, use more capsicums and mushrooms,” recipe. It is such an easy recipe isn’t it!

Attitudes are very difficult, but I think not impossible to modify. They are important aspects of my personality that I contemplate, acknowledge and hopefully act upon, even if only in a small way this Feburine whilst I maintain my new lesser weight.