23 Feburine 2018 : Blog

We like themed eating because it saves us the bother of always deciding what to have for our evening meal.

In Januberry we knew we were having pan fried skinless chicken with boiled potatoes and steamed broccoli most nights, followed by a pancake with berries and chocolate ice cream for dessert. The only thing we had to decide was which accompanying vegetables to steam, and which berries to have on the pancake. The resulting weight loss was an excellent and anticipated reward for the disciplined eating.

This month the Feburine theme is sausages. Sausages with vegetables, hot salami sausages on pizzas and even sausage rolls in pastry for alternating breakfasts. As the name suggests nectarines feature on our pancakes. The goal is to maintain the new, lesser weight. Some chocolates have been allowed and cocoa you know whats have been the other alternating breakfast.

For the next month, Parch, we expect we will be having some beef steaks on the themed eating menu, with oven potato fries and mushrooms. Attempts will happen to make our own real, butter loaded Hollandaise, and Bearnaise sauces. We will also investigate many, many ways to cook mince. Steamed vegetables will be on the plate and peaches will decorate our pancakes.

I can well understand why themed eating might seem a bit boring to readers.

Mixing up the meats and the steamed vegetables should still work so long as the weight goal is identified. Is it to lose, or to maintain weight? The menu needs to be chosen to match the goal.