25 Feburine 2018 : Blog

The cream of carrot soup recipe is particularly versatile. It could just as easily be “Cream of pumpkin soup”. Just boil more pumpkin than carrots.

A thicker composition would be achieved by straining some of the water out of the saucepan before mashing the carrots and pumpkin. A name change could be, “Thick pumpkin soup”. Serve it without the dollop of cream if it is a weight loss month.

Plum sauce may be bought at a supermarket if fresh or frozen plums are not available. Just watch the sugar content in it and use it sparingly.

Try adding an onion to boil with the carrots and pumpkin. That would give it a slightly different, but still nice taste.

Tonight we are going to sprinkle some nutmeg on our “Cream of Carrot soup”.