3 Aprilcot 2019 : Blog

Let us imagine we are the slender heroines or heroes of our own book. It is a fun game to play.

How busy we would be! The slender heroines and heroes in books always seem to be so busy don’t they, doing exciting things in each and every chapter. They are never lost for words, conversing with all and sundry, including the equally slender heroes and heroines. Not always, but mostly their confidence oozes from each page.

The author rarely, if ever, mentions the slender heroine or hero doing the dishes promptly after each meal or snack. I think it could be assumed, or implied that there would always be plenty of personal energy to do them and that the kitchen would have perfect temperature control, and perhaps even a dish washing machine.

What if our imagination doesn’t want to cooperate? That is alright, we are no worse off because of that. Perhaps it might cooperate at some future time.

Meanwhile, in the real physical world we can always be heroines or heroes of our own kitchen, ones who are gradually becoming more slender. Ones who do do the dishes promptly after each meal or snack, regardless of the difficulty of trying to find the personal energy, or whether the kitchen is too hot or freezing. A dish washing machine? I have difficulty imagining what having a dish washing machine would be like but it is fun trying.