24 Mayndarin 2019 : Blog

I am about to pack up my trusty scissors, sticky tape, coloured pages and catalogue images. I feel fairly confident that after we move house my soup saucepan and television will be easier to find, so the task for “Pearn” (Spoon) will be happening, I just won’t be here telling you about it for a while.

When I first started the web site I wanted to have a walk and make a collendar page each day. What has actually happened is what happens to everyone, some of the time… Life gets in the way.

The walks and collendar pages only get done some days. Sometimes a walk might happen and not the collendar page or vice versa. The blogs are already ongoing, gradually documenting the eating themes.

After choosing the tasks to accompany us on our weight loss journey and accepting that it is a long term project I think that if we do them when we are able to they will still assist us on our weight loss journey, allowing for some life to get in the way. The outcome will still be good, “Weight and See”.