30 Septnana 2019 : Blog

It is very pleasing to report that the weight for the end of Septnana is 73.5 kg. That is a fluctuation of 0.5 kilograms for the entire month which is well inside the shape maintaining range.

The guessing of how much custard was required to balance the amount of walks was about right and the portion of meat has been successfully reduced. Each day a collendar page was made which kept my mind concentrating on the Septnana eating theme of beef steak, commercial brand Hollandaise sauce, oven fries potatoes, mushrooms, green beans and cauliflower. A magnificent amount of bananas were munched at all sorts of times of the day and night. For breakfast on cereal, for lunch, for evening meal with pancakes and custard, for supper with other fruits, and if wanted, for snacks as well.

The height of the catalogue stack has also been reduced, although I must admit only by a smallish amount. I do so love that word, “smallish”, don’t you? Its so good to complete the tasks set, even if it is only in a smallish way.