18 Apply 2019 : Blog

Winter is made warmer with hot steamed Brussels Sprout, cabbage and pumpkin. I heap up the plate with them, a very large portion. The secret ingredients of commercial brand finishing sauces are great value, just add a tiny bit onto the meat.

We allow oven fries potatoes with most meals. The ones we get have a small amount of vegetable oil in them. Since almost every source of nutritional information suggests that we need to eat some oil, this is a really good way to include it. If you suspect you are having a too generous amount of oil, try to reduce it by a small amount.

Winter is also made warmer with extra luxury showers or baths. The long evenings are perfect for pampering. Try a new soap or shampoo. If you receive catalogues that advertise towels those images are good to include on Collendar pages in Apply.